About Us

Udhran Hospital: Best Hospital in Patna

In 2013, Udhran Hospital Pvt. Ltd. was established as a company. It is a Multi – Super Specialty hospital that is entirely committed to the well-being of the patients. They are supported by a dedicated team of specialized medical and paramedical staff, together with contemporary facilities and the most up-to-date technology. Our patients and the nursing care they get to have our undivided attention at all times. We hope to be of service to humanity while bringing a measure of compassion and concern to our work

Core Strengths

All Clinical Specialties are available under One Roof

A Rich Pool of Human Resource

  • Highly qualified experienced & Skilled Doctors and trained Paramedical professionals.
  • Surgical specialists & Super specialist of all Surgical Specialties
  • Round the clock presence of qualified & dedicated staff
  • Nursing college with a constant resource of the most qualified nurses.

Best-in-Class Equipments. Delivering the Best Results

  • Specialist to manage poly trauma (24 hours-no matter what)
  • High-end Latest generation equipments for OT, ICU’s, Laboratories, Diagnostics& Rehabilitation.
  • Fully equipped approx. 123  Critical care  bedded wing
  • State of the art 7 ultra-clean operation theatres
  • Internationally designed, equipped with fully automated central sterilization and supply department to achieve desired infection control and success rate.

The Complete World of Udhranl Hospital.

  • Emergency & Trauma Care
  • Medical Specialties
  • Surgical Specialties
  • Investigation Specialties
  • Critical care facilities
  • Blood bank
  • Nutrition & Dietetics
  • Physiotherapy
  • Alternative medical sciences

Whole Gamut of diagnostic services is available Round The Clock.

The hospital has all the investigative services available round the clock. This includes Radiology, Pathology, Endoscopy, and special diagnostic services,-all located at one place. This also includes latest generation Cardiac CT, MRI, a Cardiac Cath Lab & Pathology Labs.

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